Reddot Design Award 2021
iF Design Award 2021
DIA Design Award 2022
Good Design Award 2022
GOLDEN PIN design award 2023
DFA design award 2023
Calzone is an original product made to explore BDCI’s attitude towards design and lifestyle. Calzone is a silicone made tableware inspired by Itay’s traditional oven baked crescent folded pizza.
The mission is to contribute to a sustainable lifestyle through delightful and fanciful characteristics of Calzone’s design.
The product can be both used as a tableware when opened flat, and as a container when folded and closed in half, making it replaceable for one time use containers, such as plastic zipper bags
It is 100percent platinum silicone, making it food safe to be refrigerated, frozen, and heated, allowing it to be used for storage, meal prep, and easy cooking prep.
Calzone comes in three cheerful colors, consisting of Florida Orange, Lemon Yellow, and Watermelon. It also has three sizes: small, medium, and large. The product is mean’t to make one’s indoor and outdoor space brighter and more uplifting atmosphere.
Reusable Folding Plate
for Own Project

Planning | Product design | Technical design | Package design | Manufacturing
Director | Seomin Lee
Product designer | Jiyoon Kim
Technical designer | Seomin Lee, Gwongak Lee, Jiyoon Kim
Package designer | Gwongak Lee, Youngdo Lee, Seona Yeom
Manufacturer | Seomin Lee, Gwongak Lee